Follow Nadia’s Mastermind Journey

Meet Nadia!

Meet Nadia, an amazing life coach who helps coaches start their businesses and grow! 🌟

Follow her and the new mastermind members on a 6-month transformational journey! 🚀

Here's what she said about why she joined the Mastermind:

“My name is Nadia Monroe and I am an online business coach and founder of the coaching Business Accelerator which is a 1 to 1 coaching program that helps coaches build successful businesses from the ground up.

I've actually already created multiple businesses today. So you could say I have the entrepreneurial flair. That's because I'm extremely passionate about creating financial independence. I came from a single parent household where I saw my mom struggle, dad had lots of money. I decided that wasn't going to be me.

The reason I started the coaching business Accelerator is because I see so many women getting certified because they've changed their life with coaching and they want to help others do the same and make money from it, but they don't really know much about building a business. So in my program, I teach them everything they need to know to start signing clients consistently.

I decided to join the mastermind because I love how Megan talks about how systems can simplify and streamline everything in your business so that you can grow faster and help more people. So I'm super excited to learn everything that Megan has to offer!”

If you missed the mastermind, no worries! 

You can ALWAYS still work with me 1:1, so feel free to sign up for a consult using the link in my bio and I will see you there soon! 


9 shifts to make $100k in the first 9 months of this year
